Encounters on the roads

What happens while the characters are plodding along the king’s roads connecting towns and cities in fairly populated lands? These encounters are intended for roads where the heroes are more likely to meet other travellers than wildlife or monsters.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 100 entries.

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The donkey of a travelling trader flat out refuses to move. He’ll be stuck there for at least a few hours until it changes its mind.
A chain gang of criminals or slaves are at work fixing the road. They are guarded by several well armed men.
A flamboyant highwayman attempts to rob the heroes. If he is no match for them, he’ll attempt to convince them to play a game of cards or dice with them instead—at which he cheats with great skill and gusto.
The leader of a band of rebels or bandits is being escorted to another town to hang, as a warning to his peers.
A self-proclaimed inventor and astronomer sits atop his cart shouting at his hired men and the mules. It is a matter of utmost importance that he gets to a specific hill at a specific time to make his observations—and his gear is heavy, cumbersome, and entirely too fragile.
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18th century rider on a Friesian horse.

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