Generic Thug Template

This template is for your run-of-the-mill, average thug, whether a faceless member of the town guard or a band of highwaymen. To provide a little variation, we offer several randomised customisation options. Throw in two thugs per able-bodied, fighting player character (and more if they are highly skilled and experienced characters).

To create a more experienced thug, combine two customisations. For a very experienced thug, combine three or four.

Presence 7, Physique 10, Psyche 6, Potential 8, Technology 3

Appearance 15, Charisma 10, Authority 17
Agility 15, Strength 17
Intelligence 11, Memory 9, Discipline 11
Power 13, Control 15
Operation 12, Construction 8
# 5, MS 3%
AR -2, DMG +2
HP 40, PP n/a
DEF (76) 76/76/76
Luck 5
ALT 50%
INTU 32%

Skills of note: Brawling (41%), Coolness (33%), Weapon of choice (41%), Weapon, secondary choice (28%).

Give me four customisations for thugs!

Cloaked. The character naturally blends into her surroundings, even in broad daylight. This ability, skirting on the supernatural, confers a minus 50% penalty to Alertness checks made by others to detect the character’s presence.

Knuckles (Dmg d4+3, penalty 1), Rune of Sharpness

Meat cleaver (Dmg d3, penalty 2)

Sword, gladius (Dmg d6+2, penalty 5)

To generate another combination of four thugs, simply refresh the page.

Last updated January 28, 2024.

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