
Quirks are traits of personality and circumstance that help make characters stand out from each other. Not two characters are likely to share the exact same combination and interpretation of their strengths and flaws. Quirks are optional; a character does not have to roll a set if the player doesn’t want to—but they help add depth and uniqueness to what otherwise may feel like a sheet of stats with no face.

This generator currently contains the 100 entries of the Basic Rules plus 7 more.

Give me four!

Bad Reputation. The characters’ native community has a negative impression of her. She will get little help from them. This may be due to racism, sexism, something she said or did, social station or the lack of it, etc.
Foe. The character has a foe who wants to get even. Collaborate with the master; what did your character do, or what does the foe think the character did, and why? This might be a blood feud, false accusations, politics, or perhaps a criminal past?
Infamous Relative. The character has a relation, living or dead, with a bad reputation. She may wish to lie low or use a false name to avoid being connected with him or her.
Unbeliever. There’s a rational explanation for everything. Gods were invented by people, magic is sleight-of-hand and mirrors. Everything has a natural explanation.

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