Encounters in the Wilderness

What awaits once the heroes leave the roads and villages of civilization behind and venture out into the wilds? Animals, monsters, and nature, of course! Bring spare rations.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD) but most encounters can be applied to other climates than the forests and plains of Medieval Europe as well.

Elves that look suspiciously like Canadian Indians, or something.

This generator currently has 106 entries.

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A person in old fashioned clothes wanders into camp at night. He or she is quite willing to answer questions but is ignorant of recent happenings and goings-on. At dawn he or she disappears. The characters may find old bones or perhaps a grave where the ghost vanished.
A small circle of standing stones may be the secret location of a religious sect, a remnant of ancient astrologers, or perhaps the abode of local faerie.
Fire! Whether on the plains or in the forest, fire means danger. The heroes will be running for their lives along with the wildlife, and possibly even fighting off panicked animals for a spot on that island in the middle of the river that the fire (hopefully) won’t reach.
A shifty merchant has set up a trading post in a secluded dell, bartering his wares with a group of people or creatures that his own species normally refuses to trade with, or outright tries to exterminate. Trading quality weapons for furs and precious stones the merchant is making a pretty penny, but those weapons are bound to end up used against human settlers elsewhere sooner or later.
The heroes come across a game trail which promises easy dinner. Unfortunately, something magical and malevolent happened to those deer or rabbits. For creepy effect, have the heroes fight something that ought to be cute and harmless but has become Extraplanar (as per the creature sheet) or otherwise corrupted and dangerous. Never trust cute and fluffy.

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