Downtime at the Inn (Generic)

Sometimes, the characters need a break – and by break they don’t really mean another story hook. This generator covers ordinary day-to-day things happening at the local inn in town which the characters are familiar with. A lot of entries here are simply background noise that characters resting up or waiting on somebody might act upon if they wish.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 54 entries.

Give me five!

Terrible weather causes the inn's basement to flood, the roof to be damaged, or a wall to collapse.
A wealthy patron eats, drinks, and makes merry and yet the innkeeper seems disgruntled. As it happens, this man holds a powerful position in town or has dirt on the innkeeper and he never pays for what he consumes.
A guest turns out to secretly practise a forbidden religion, using charm and magic to gain converts and sacrifices for their faith.
Waking up after a night of hard drinking is one thing. Waking up after a night of hard drinking and finding a dead body in your room is quite another. How did that get here, and what's it got to do with the characters?
For once things are exactly what they look like: Another patron is actually an important nobleman out slumming, the patron making friendly with the innkeeper actually is just the best swordsman of the country coming through town today, or the four hooded men meeting in the basement are simply merchants meeting in secret in order to take advantage of a business opportunity – a perfectly legal one at that!

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