Encounters in the Wilderness

What awaits once the heroes leave the roads and villages of civilization behind and venture out into the wilds? Animals, monsters, and nature, of course! Bring spare rations.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD) but most encounters can be applied to other climates than the forests and plains of Medieval Europe as well.

Elves that look suspiciously like Canadian Indians, or something.

This generator currently has 106 entries.

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A campfire in the distance turns out to belong to a group of adventurers and travellers quite like the characters themselves; they are about the same party strength and have roughly similar equipment, and they are likely looking for the same thing. Partnership in spe, or rivals?
A tree flowers or bears fruit at the wrong season; apples in spring, cherry flowers in autumn, etc. Some enchanter must have been bored.
The smell of the characters—and more so, their food—attracts the largest predator in the area. Depending on what creature the predator is it may not be openly hostile, but it’ll certainly be interested.
A pile of white feathers on the shore of a lake or river may be all that a fox left from its meal, or it may be the feather-dress of a swan maiden, a bird spirit that can take on a human appearance if it wishes. Without its feathers, the girl cannot return to bird form and she’ll obviously want them back.
Entering a sheltered glade or dell the heroes happen upon a celebration of supernatural creatures. Whether they end up dancing and drinking with the sidhe, racing centaurs, or playing dice all night with friendly trolls, it’s going to be a tale worth telling! And, of course, everything vanishes without a trace come the dawn (except the hangovers, those stay).

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