Encounters in the Wilderness

What awaits once the heroes leave the roads and villages of civilization behind and venture out into the wilds? Animals, monsters, and nature, of course! Bring spare rations.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD) but most encounters can be applied to other climates than the forests and plains of Medieval Europe as well.

Elves that look suspiciously like Canadian Indians, or something.

This generator currently has 106 entries.

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Fog turns a moonlit night into an eerie mistcape in which shadows lurk and navigation is difficult. There may be something out there, or there may not—but the mood is certainly set for swamp monsters and other creepers in the night.
A lone cow wanders the wilderness, having gotten lost from its farm. It associates humans with feed and care and is likely to tag after the characters as they travel on.
A sheep dog tags along with the characters. It’s lost its shepherd and its sheep, and is delighted to have found new people to love.
As the heroes travel across the plains or along the coastline they may not be aware at first that they are looking at mirages; distant rolling hills on the other side of the water, skyscapes that are easily mistaken for mountains, and other optical illusions causing them to be uncertain whether they’re heading in the right direction.
As the heroes make their way back towards civilization with the loot from whatever adventure they just completed they are accosted by another group of adventurers—who view them as a random encounter promising lots of easy loot.

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