Magic gone wild!

Whenever spells are cast there is a risk of the arcane energies not acting as the spell caster intended. Spell casters with low Control scores are more prone to magical mishaps, but all mages will find themselves showered in butterflies—or tons of bricks—on occasion.

This generator currently contains the 300 entries of the Basic Rules and 18 new ones.

Give me one of each!

If the fumble was from a self-affecting spell:

All non-magical, non-domesticated, untamed animals within 10 metres’ radius suddenly attack the spell caster; while most are likely insects or small wildlife, a swarm of wasps are quite bad enough!

If the fumble was from an offensive or defensive spell:

Roll again; the resulting fumble becomes permanent regardless of its normal duration. The spell has no effect.

If the fumble was from a spell with audiovisual effects:

The spell caster stubs her toe only to discover that she was stepping in a small box or purse containing coins or gems of at least enough value to purchase food and beds at a high class inn for a few days ahead.
To generate another set of spell fumbles, simply refresh the page.
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