Encounters on the roads

What happens while the characters are plodding along the king’s roads connecting towns and cities in fairly populated lands? These encounters are intended for roads where the heroes are more likely to meet other travellers than wildlife or monsters.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 100 entries.

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A traveller with a lame horse hails the characters and asks if he can join them until the next town, particularly if they have a pack horse he can ride. Healing his horse is an option.
A holy man or hermit stands at a crossroads sermonizing anyone who will stop and listen, condemning the sinful and promising salvation to the faithful. He may be alone or have a few companions begging alms from travellers.
A patrol of soldiers or guards lead by a somewhat overzealous young sheriff, bailiff or officer, looking to prove himself to his superiors. Expect every satchel to be turned inside out in the search for contraband or incriminating evidence.
Heavy rains have washed out a part of the road, making it frustratingly muddy and difficult to traverse. Expect a queue of carts and tired oxen.
A bridge has been damaged or destroyed in recent rains; travellers will have to ford the river.
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18th century rider on a Friesian horse.

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