Encounters on the roads

What happens while the characters are plodding along the king’s roads connecting towns and cities in fairly populated lands? These encounters are intended for roads where the heroes are more likely to meet other travellers than wildlife or monsters.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 100 entries.

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An old beggar crone approaches the characters for a few coins or a scrap of bread. If they treat her kindly she may reward them with valuable information or perhaps a potion or two.
A cat saunters down the road all by itself, looking quite content with itself.
A bridge has been damaged or destroyed in recent rains; travellers will have to ford the river.
A crate lies by the side of the road, dropped from the back of a trader’s cart. What’s in it? Turnips? Fish? Smuggled gemstones?
A group of travellers, tinkerers, nomads, or other people of the road have set up camp off road and may swap hospitality for tall tales, coin, and mutual protection.
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18th century rider on a Friesian horse.

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