Running an urban horror game, or a contemporary game where creepy gets to be a factor? Look no further, we have plenty of ideas for eerie and chill-inducing randomness. Some of it isn’t even supernatural because life itself can be plenty scary at times.
This generator currently has 61 entries.
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The librarian is extremely helpful, if a little frumpy looking; they know the filing system like the back of their hand and they’re the go-to source for everything that happened in town until 1976. Because that’s when they died, and they’ve found it difficult to keep up a newspaper subscription or get invited to the high school class reunions ever since.
The guy you were supposed to meet at four o’clock sharp doesn’t show. Was he attacked? Did the bad guys find him first? Did something awful happen? No, actually. He just missed the bus. He turns up half an hour late, looking pretty apologetic.
Whatever the name of this street, take it at face value. It’s not good to be Patrick on Kilpatrick Road.
A bunch of daredevils like playing games, like who can stand in front of an oncoming train the longest, or who can stand closest to the ledge. Wouldn't it be convenient during one of these games to be 'accidentally' pushed by a jealous friend?
There's no fury in hell like a self-professed saviour who's being told that their opinion is irrelevant by whatever minority it is they're trying to white knight. Take any person who fancies themselves a crusader for the oppressed, and any member of the oppressed not appreciating the crusader telling them what it's like to be them. Things should get heated in a very short time.
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