Downtime at the Inn (Generic)

Sometimes, the characters need a break – and by break they don’t really mean another story hook. This generator covers ordinary day-to-day things happening at the local inn in town which the characters are familiar with. A lot of entries here are simply background noise that characters resting up or waiting on somebody might act upon if they wish.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 54 entries.

Give me five!

A local tries to sell a dog. The dog is a Good Boy.
An aged local tries to sell homemade crafts items to the patrons; scarves, tooled leather belts, clay pots, whatever their trade happens to be. They have to pay the innkeeper a percentage of their profits to be allowed to hawk their items in here.
The bartender or innkeeper gets drunk and starts offering free drinks to anyone who can tell a funny story or a tall tale they haven't heard before.
An assassin has been hired to kill a character or another patron of the inn. The characters probably manage to foil the attempt which then in turn becomes a hook leading to their next investigative adventure in town.
Waking up after a night of hard drinking is one thing. Waking up after a night of hard drinking and finding a dead body in your room is quite another. How did that get here, and what's it got to do with the characters?

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