Life in a city of some size is never dull. The poor huddle for warmth behind the churches and mansions of the upper crust, thieves and smugglers dodge the king’s guards, merchants hunt for the perfect bargain, and most people simply try to survive.
This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).
This generator currently has 147 entries.
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A married couple get into a loud argument in the street, possibly coming to blows.
A crowd has gathered around a well which has been polluted, whether by someone dumping a body in it or spilling something in it. Clean water must be procured from elsewhere while the well is being cleaned. Muttered accusations about a disreputable minority poisoning the wells to harm decent folks are sure to occur.
A poorly constructed wall of a half-timbered or clay building collapses without warning. The heroes must race against time to dig out the people who were caught under the rubble and provide medical assistance to the injured. For those heroes of a less than ethical orientation, there’s also the opportunity to rummage through the ruins for loot (although the people who live in shabbily constructed houses may not be the people with the most loot to hide away).
A long-awaited ship or caravan finally arrives. For a while everything is cheer and cheap goods but then rumours begin to spread; something isn’t right. Sailors or caravanners are dying—and now townsfolk are starting to fall sick. Plague has come to town.
The heroes are stopped in the street by members of the watch or local militia. They are being asked a lot of questions, leaving them with certain that the guards are looking for a bribe. The protection racket is going strong in this part of town, and the heroes are sure to be harassed regularly by thugs in uniform—until they do something about it.
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