Encounters in the City

Life in a city of some size is never dull. The poor huddle for warmth behind the churches and mansions of the upper crust, thieves and smugglers dodge the king’s guards, merchants hunt for the perfect bargain, and most people simply try to survive.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 132 entries.

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An exotic traveller from a far-off kingdom attracts a lot of attention, whether due to tattoos, strange clothing, or otherwise unusual appearance.
A famous troubadour and singer takes a shine to a character, trying to wine and dine him or her before putting on the moves. The troubadour will have moved on to new pastures in a day or two, regardless of how things turn out.
An arrogant noble and his or her retinue barge past, shoving people out of their way and taking offence if people refuse to move. The noble may give slow-to-move heroes the tongue lashing of their lives, or—if they look like people worthy of respect—challenge them to a duel of honour.
As the heroes walk the city streets at night they hear screams from a dark alley and a couple of beggars or children come running out while growling sounds ensue. Turns out some unfortunate beggar was infected with lycanthropy and is now in the process of turning feral for the first time.
The heroes are approached by a family member or business relation of a missing woman of some financial means. Turns out she’s not missing at all: In an unusual take on the classic vampire and victim setup, the woman is holding a vampire lord captive, and feeding him her blood. She wants to be turned into a vampire herself in order to escape an abusive husband, a bad marriage, a crippling debt, or something else, preferring to plan for an eternity as one of the damned instead. The vampire lord realizes that if he gives in, she’ll have made arrangements for his destruction in order to avoid becoming his undead minion, and thus has no desire to cooperate.

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