Encounters in the City

Life in a city of some size is never dull. The poor huddle for warmth behind the churches and mansions of the upper crust, thieves and smugglers dodge the king’s guards, merchants hunt for the perfect bargain, and most people simply try to survive.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 147 entries.

Give me five!

Pride, prejudice and drink mix poorly; a fight breaks out and the characters are mistakenly assumed to belong to either side.
A skilled pickpocket or cut-purse tries her luck with one of the characters while her helper(s) attempt to create a distraction.
A member of a minor cult, sect or faith is preaching in the street while a few of her brothers and sisters approach passers-by for donations to the cause.
A prize bull, ram or stallion is being escorted through town. The heroes may end up hired to ensure no one steals it or they’re just unfortunate enough to be in the way and get side-eyed as potential thieves. Either way, everything that can go wrong goes wrong. The animal falls sick, is stolen, runs off, panics and trashes a china shop, you name it.
A beautiful performer at a local watering hole is beguiling guests, trying to convince them to fork over large sums of money and maybe even leave town to elope with them, only to get dumped elsewhere.

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