Encounters in the City

Life in a city of some size is never dull. The poor huddle for warmth behind the churches and mansions of the upper crust, thieves and smugglers dodge the king’s guards, merchants hunt for the perfect bargain, and most people simply try to survive.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 147 entries.

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A crowd has gathered around a well which has been polluted, whether by someone dumping a body in it or spilling something in it. Clean water must be procured from elsewhere while the well is being cleaned. Muttered accusations about a disreputable minority poisoning the wells to harm decent folks are sure to occur.
An arrogant noble and his or her retinue barge past, shoving people out of their way and taking offence if people refuse to move. The noble may give slow-to-move heroes the tongue lashing of their lives, or—if they look like people worthy of respect—challenge them to a duel of honour.
A house or stretch of road is being built or repaired. Work crews and their tools and materials clutter up the road, making passage difficult. The workers may be prison chain gangs.
A couple of town guards, members of the City Watch, or other soldiers are talking to a couple of rough looking types in an alley; they all disperse as the heroes approach.
Magic sensitive heroes (i.e., heroes with a Control score of 20 or higher) perceive magic being used nearby at semi-regular intervals all day. This is in fact a sorcerer’s apprentice using power stored in an object to keep casting the same spell over and over in an attempt to learn it properly.

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