Encounters in the City

Life in a city of some size is never dull. The poor huddle for warmth behind the churches and mansions of the upper crust, thieves and smugglers dodge the king’s guards, merchants hunt for the perfect bargain, and most people simply try to survive.

This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).

This generator currently has 147 entries.

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Somebody claims to have been attacked by a vampire or other monster of the setting, returning home in the early morning covered in bruises and blood. In truth, however, he or she got beaten up as a warning from the crime lord he or she owes money.
A group of thugs cut the heroes off in an alley and demand a toll to pass.
A merchant’s cart breaks down in the street; will the characters help themselves to free goods, or help pick up the dropped crates?
A poorly constructed wall of a half-timbered or clay building collapses without warning. The heroes must race against time to dig out the people who were caught under the rubble and provide medical assistance to the injured. For those heroes of a less than ethical orientation, there’s also the opportunity to rummage through the ruins for loot (although the people who live in shabbily constructed houses may not be the people with the most loot to hide away).
Somebody dies under suspicious circumstances. They may have fallen out a window only to turn out to have been poisoned or stabbed first, or fallen down stairs to break their neck only to turn out to have been beaten to death before falling. The murderer clearly is trying to pass the kill off as an accident and doing a pretty poor job of it. But what caused him or her to commit the murder in the first place?

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