Mundane treasure is non-magical and often non-valuable. It’s the sort of debris and loot that seems to grow on its own in the back of cupboards and wardrobes, and in rival adventurers’ backpacks.
This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).
This generator currently has 111 entries.
Give me five!
An arm’s length of twine. Never leave home without it.
A scroll- or map case made from metal and lined with oilskin to make it waterproof.
A small pouch of fine, though somewhat old tobacco or similar.
A screwdriver. Probably isn’t sonic.
An old letter, likely kept for its sentimental value. Unlikely to contain any information of use to the looting gentleman adventurer.
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