Mundane treasure is non-magical but that does not mean it cannot be valuable. These are the items that occupy treasure chests and secret lairs, just waiting for the heroes to come pick them up, wonder how to sell them, and eventually take them home to put on the mantelpiece.
This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).
This generator currently has 103 entries.
Give me five!
A pouch of rare and valuable spices.
A small packet of seeds of flowers or herbs that will be quite valuable once grown.
A leather hauberk made from fine, soft leather (+2d10 hp for fine quality).
A matching set of basket-hilt sword and main-gauche crafted from the finest metals and beautifully engraved and gilded (+2 damage for quality).
A solid gold belt buckle embossed with a design depicting a snake winding its way around the belt and biting its own tail.
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