Mundane treasure is non-magical but that does not mean it cannot be valuable. These are the items that occupy treasure chests and secret lairs, just waiting for the heroes to come pick them up, wonder how to sell them, and eventually take them home to put on the mantelpiece.
This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).
This generator currently has 103 entries.
Give me five!
A small chest designed specifically to safely protect 2d10 small glass vials, each secured to the felt with leather straps. The vials may contain random potions or be empty; the set will still be of value to any alchemist.
A goldsmith or jeweller’s sample box; d10 precious stones and d4 pieces of finished jewellery.
A beautiful box containing a well made pipe and high quality tobacco.
A small, gilt box encrusted with precious stones, containing the finger bone or other small relic of a saint or holy person.
A rough map scrawled on the back of a letter or page torn from a journal, describing the route to a secret place of cultural significance—likely of a fantastic nature. Examples would be elephant graveyards, faerie dance circles, lost temples, haunted gold mines, and other locations that may have near-mythical qualities in local folklore.
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