Sometimes, the characters need a break – and by break they don’t really mean another story hook. This generator covers ordinary day-to-day things happening at the local inn in town which the characters are familiar with. A lot of entries here are simply background noise that characters resting up or waiting on somebody might act upon if they wish.
This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).
This generator currently has 54 entries.
Give me five!
An aged local tries to sell homemade crafts items to the patrons; scarves, tooled leather belts, clay pots, whatever their trade happens to be. They have to pay the innkeeper a percentage of their profits to be allowed to hawk their items in here.
A patron tells the same old story about the same old monster out in the woods to the same old audience trying to recruit them to go fight it in the same old way.
Two patrons argue over which is better out of two weapons or tools. Bonus points if you can get the characters to take a side and argue with each other over the same question. This is how friendships and enemies for life are made!
Eat this god-awful dish and win a prize!
A couple of patrons – married or lovers – have a falling-out that turns far more public than one would wish.
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