What happens while the characters are plodding along the king’s roads connecting towns and cities in fairly populated lands? These encounters are intended for roads where the heroes are more likely to meet other travellers than wildlife or monsters.
This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD.).
This generator currently has 100 entries.
Give me five!
An old beggar crone approaches the characters for a few coins or a scrap of bread. If they treat her kindly she may reward them with valuable information or perhaps a potion or two.The archetypical ladies’ man bard or minstrel, on the run from the latest woman he wined, dined and abandoned—or from her husband.
A travelling merchant is happy to see the heroes, both because they may be potential customers but also because sticking to them may provide protection against brigands and highwaymen— but with the twist that she’s a fraud and a snake oil peddler.
A small group of religious fanatics or pilgrims are travelling towards a holy site. They may prove helpful or a pain in the backside depending on their faith and beliefs, but they will not get out of the way, they will not be deterred, and they will not turn around.
Someone’s switched the signs around at the crossroads, whether as a prank or to deliberately mislead travellers.
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