What awaits once the heroes leave the roads and villages of civilization behind and venture out into the wilds? Animals, monsters, and nature, of course! Bring spare rations.
This table is designed for a European inspired fantasy set in a technological and cultural age equivalent to the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period (ca. 1100-1750 AD) but most encounters can be applied to other climates than the forests and plains of Medieval Europe as well.
This generator currently has 106 entries.
Give me five!
Heavy rains force travellers to take shelter for the day.
An angry turkey or other large, normally not dangerous bird, owns this glade and the characters are trespassing. The bird will challenge and harass characters in order to protect his hens until either chased off or turned into dinner.
A tiny common dragon approaches the characters cautiously to ask for help; a branch or rock has fallen down to cover the entrance to its secret underground lair—could someone big and strong please move it?
As the heroes make their way back towards civilization with the loot from whatever adventure they just completed they are accosted by another group of adventurers—who view them as a random encounter promising lots of easy loot.
A humble farmer or peasant wanders the wilds with a bag or basket of offerings, or leading a cow on a rope. They are paying off the local monster who refrains from eating villagers as long as the gifts keep coming.
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